Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Find-Day!

That's right, Breakfast-eaters. It's the second edition of Friday Find-Day, in which we waste countless hours (days even!), sifting through the entire Internet-sphere in search of the best link the World Wide Web has to offer, so you don't have to!

Today's link is a video by some random guy on Youtube. It's the classic Youtube re-mix video, in which a video is re-mixed ("recontextualized", if you live in an Ivy Tower) to make Youtube comedy gold. Even as a diehard non-trekkie, I have to say...this made me laugh like things that make me laugh make me laugh.

For some odd reason, Blogger is too stupid to let me embed the video (yeah, I'll blame Blogger and not my own Baby Boomer-ineptitude when it comes to Internet technology), so here's a link instead:!

If you like this video, I recommend checking out the other videos on the channel. They're all hilarious and not all Star Trek-related.

And, in the interest of full disclosure: yes, I discovered this video through

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