Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Find-Day!

I hate to give FoxNews the traffic, but this is beyond ridiculous.

Old People + White Christian Persecution Paranoia + Slow-News-Day Journalism...

It's so FoxNews-y, it's not.  

The piece is part of Fox's "War on Christmas" series, which, in addition to being nominated for a "Best Legitimate Journalism Award," will also be turned into a movie (possibly a FoxNews original miniseries), narrated by Ken Burns and directed by baby-boomer artiste, Clint Eastwood.

The film will consist solely of one continuous shot: a clan of gangbangers with Obama masks on, hacking at a flame-engulfed Christmas tree with hammers and sickles while Clint Eastwood's Poem, "The Road to Greece in an Empty Chair" is read aloud by Mr. Baseball himself, Ken Burns.


  1. How is a christmas tree a religious symbol? Oh shit, never mind, I forgot that the Muslims crucified Santa on one.
