Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Find-Day!

Well, Breakfast-breaths, it's been a fairly uneventful week for Internet finds. But, in my defense, I've been sick with what I think is turning  into pneumonia, so I  haven't had a lot of time to Lewis-and-Clark the Internet.

Thom Yorke did an AMA on Reddit, so that's something. You'll notice that he can't spell--or maybe he can (he probably can), he just wants to act like he can't because not knowing how to spell is cool--but only if you're Thom Yorke.

 "...the fuk u juss say?"

I also found this:

It's an archived list of r/cringe videos (videos that make you cringe and feel simultaneously embarrassed for and better than the people in the videos) all with the coveted "Seal of Approval" tag, which means: if you watch them all in quick succession you're going to become the most self-conscious prick in the history of human beans because, if you're like me, anytime you watch cringe videos, you take notes on what not to do to embarrass yourself--and, with 90+ videos, that's a lot of shit you're telling yourself not to do.

So, enjoy!

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