Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Find-Day...Like Regular Chickens Edition!

Happy Friday Find-Day, everyone!

Synchronicity works in strange ways sometimes. For the past week, I've been taking it easy as I recover from a serious case of the post-flu feel-bads with repeat viewings of David Lynch's second-most-popular disaster (Dune, of course, being the first), Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me. The film stars Ray Wise as a daddy battling violent and incestuous impulses concerning his daughter--a near-45 year-old-looking Sheryl Lee as high school Homecoming Queen, Laura Palmer.

I've also been listening to Beach House's cover of Queen's "Play the Game" on repeat while wallowing on my couch with my two cats walking on top of me and through my apartment like that one scene from Trainspotting when Tommy gets AIDs and gives up and, for some reason (because AIDs attracts cats?), his once-spotless apartment is infested with cats and misery, while Victoria TheBig taunts me with the song's refrain: "It's so easy/All you gotta do is fall in love/and play the game," meanwhile, I realize that, no, it's not "so easy" as to simply decide to become a player in the game of life and fall in love, etc.

And, then, I've also been having weird dreams about Eric Wareheim. In these dreams, I discover that he's been boning my ex-girlfriend and I am conflicted because: Eric Wareheim is one of my idols and, contrary to what you might think, boning my ex-girlfriend does not secure your idol-status in my brain--so I have to decide: Can I still watch Tim and Eric, one of my favorite all-time shows, and enjoy it with the knowledge that Eric Wareheim has committed the greatest territorial dude-offense against me, his fan, by boofing my ex-girlfriend?  Is it really so easy to separate art from the artist, the man behind the product, when the stakes are this high and the artist in this case, my ex-gf-boning nightmare-version of Eric Wareheim, is not only a dick--but a dick to me on a personal level (the most "personal" level there is, one might argue)??

Dear God, of all people--why am I subconsciously threatened by this man who haunts my dreams and fucks my ex-girlfriends??

I don't know--but I do know one thing: these Dreams of Wareheim are in part fueled by my realization that the music video he directed for Health's "We Are Water" is inspired by the end of Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me--specifically, Sheryl Lee's smeared-lipstick blonde homecoming-queen-in-distress-being-led-through-a-poorly-lit-forest-at-night look (I'd link, but I'm too lazy to find the scene in the movie).

Either way: this all correlates with news that Eric Wareheim has recently directed a video for Beach House, starring TPFWM's Ray Wise--all in the same week that I've been listening to Beach House, watching TPFWM  and dreaming about Eric Wareheim.

Is that weird? Do you care?


Fine. Here's the video:

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